How to Make Asian Noodles from Scratch

Asian noodles have captivated food enthusiasts around the globe with their incredible versatility, texture, and flavors. From the chewy strands of ramen to the thin and delicate rice vermicelli, the world of Asian noodles is vast and exciting. Yet, there’s a unique satisfaction in making these noodles from scratch at home. In this comprehensive article, we’ll walk you through every detail of crafting your own Asian noodles from scratch.

Before diving into the recipe, let’s take a moment to understand the various types of Asian noodles. The possibilities are endless, from the wheat-based Chinese noodles to the rice-based Vietnamese noodles and the buckwheat-based Japanese soba. Today, we’ll focus on wheat-based noodles commonly used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cuisines.

The Importance of Ingredients

Wheat Flour

High-gluten flour is generally used for making wheat-based Asian noodles. The higher protein content contributes to a chewier texture.


Opt for filtered water to avoid undesirable flavors affecting your noodle quality.


Salt flavors the noodles and strengthens the gluten structure, improving the noodles’ texture.

Optional: Alkaline Agents

Some recipes call for alkaline agents like kansui or baked baking soda to achieve a distinct springiness and yellow hue. This is often used in ramen.

Essential Tools

  1. Kitchen Scale: For precise measurement of ingredients.
  2. Mixing Bowls: To mix and knead the dough.
  3. Rolling Pin: Roll out the dough.
  4. Sharp Knife or Pasta Maker: To cut the noodles.
  5. Plastic Wrap: To rest the dough.
  6. Cooking Pot: To boil the noodles.
  7. Strainer: To drain cooked noodles.
  8. Measuring Cups and Spoons: For measuring water and salt.

Making the Dough

Step 1: Measure the Ingredients

Using a kitchen scale, measure:

  • 400 grams of high-gluten wheat flour
  • 200 ml of filtered water
  • 1-2 teaspoons of salt

Step 2: Combine Ingredients

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt.
  2. Gradually add water to the dry ingredients, stirring continuously. If you’re using an alkaline agent, dissolve it in the water before adding it to the flour.

Step 3: Knead the Dough

  1. Once the ingredients are loosely combined, knead the mixture into a dough. Use your hands to ensure the flour absorbs the water evenly.
  2. Continue kneading for 10-15 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.

Step 4: Rest the Dough

Wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. This resting period allows the gluten to relax, making the dough easier to roll out later.

Rolling and Cutting the Noodles

Step 1: Divide the Dough

After resting, divide the dough into four equal parts for easier handling.

Step 2: Roll the Dough

  1. Flour your workspace generously.
  2. Roll out one portion of the dough into a flat, thin sheet using a rolling pin. The ideal thickness varies based on personal preference but aim for a thickness of about 2-3 mm.

Step 3: Cut the Noodles

  1. Lightly dust the surface of the rolled-out dough with flour to prevent sticking.
  2. Fold the dough sheet in half or thirds.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut the folded dough into your desired width. For thin noodles, cut into 2-mm-wide strips; for thicker udon-like noodles, aim for 4-6 mm.

Step 4: Unfurl and Toss

Unfurl the cut noodle strands and toss them with flour to prevent sticking.

Cooking the Noodles

  1. Boil Water: Bring water to a rolling boil in a large pot.
  2. Cook: Add the noodles and stir immediately to prevent sticking. Freshly made noodles cook quickly, usually in 2-4 minutes.
  3. Test: To check for doneness, taste a noodle strand. It should be cooked through but still have a chewy texture.
  4. Drain: Once cooked, drain the noodles using a strainer.

Bottom Line

Making Asian noodles from scratch can be a deeply satisfying culinary experience. From the selection of high-quality ingredients to the intricacies of kneading, rolling, and cutting, each step contributes to your homemade noodles’ final taste and texture. Whether you’re making a stir-fry, a noodle soup, or a cold noodle salad, homemade noodles’ distinct texture and flavor will elevate your dish to a whole new level. With this detailed guide, you are now fully equipped to create authentic Asian noodles right in your kitchen.

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